As India launches its general elections on April 19, Indian diaspora organisations around the world, including Hindus for Human Rights, Foundation The London Story, The Humanism Project, Sadhana, and others, have come together under the umbrella “Uniting for Peace: Share the Light”. During this six-week social media campaign, the diaspora has announced a wave of activities to amplify voices of peace and social cohesion. This comes as voters in India are being deliberately polarized by malicious actors for personal gains, creating communal divisions in a culture that has strong traditions of tolerance, co-existence and secularism.
“Uniting for Peace: Share the Light” is built on the belief that the overwhelming majority of people desire peace and social harmony, and that the forces of division represent a vocal but minor faction. While political actors may be inciting violence to gain votes, the campaign asserts that most Indians, including those abroad, choose peace and tolerance instead of artificial division.