With the Digital Services Act, civil society has a tool to Big Tech accountable for their role in spreading online hate and incitement to violence in the EU – but can it also be a tool for people in India and the rest of the world? On November 7, our Executive Director Dr Ritumbra Manuvie speaks at an high-level conference by Search for Common Ground. Drawing on the DSA’s requirements for VLOPs to protect users’ rights, she will share our experiences, successes, and challenges of content moderation at TLS in countering hate speech and incitement to violence online in India.
As the EU seeks to enforce the implementation of the DSA and given the impact that the DSA as the first of its kind has around the globe, there is much to learn from international experiences and best practices. With the support of the Belgian Development Cooperation (DGD), Search for Common Ground is convening a conference in Brussels on November 7, 2023 bringing together key EU stakeholders, policymakers, international experts on digitalization, representatives from academia, civil society and Tech to share insights on successful strategies for protecting human rights in digital platforms and advancing social cohesion. This targeted event with 60 Brussels-based participants will specifically shed light on learnings from Search’s digital peacebuilding initiatives in the DRC, Mali, and Kenya, and Sri Lanka, and what these mean for the implementation of the DSA.